machine learning.deep learning

2 min

Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning What’s the Difference?

Machine Learning and Deep Learning are both subsets of Artificial Intelligence. They are among the most well-known approaches but are often confused. It’s important to understand their differences. Let’s explore what they are, how they differ and their main applications.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a field of Artificial Intelligence that uses algorithms to enable computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed. Training involves using structured data to develop models that can learn from that data and then make accurate predictions on new input data, i.e., scenarios that have not been seen before.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that uses deep neural networks (hence the term “deep”) to model and solve complex problems. These neural networks are inspired by the structure of the human brain, based on the functioning of human biological neural networks. They attempt to mimic human decision-making processes and are powerful tools for recognizing patterns and making predictions.

Differences Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning


Machine Learning: utilizes relatively simple algorithms but requires significant manual feature analysis.

Deep Learning: utilizes deep neural networks, requiring much more computational power, longer training times, and large amounts of data.


Machine Learning: effective for less complex problems with relatively smaller structured datasets.

Deep Learning: excels at complex problems and with large amounts of unstructured data but requires significantly more computational resources.


Machine Learning: suitable for applications like fraud detection, predictive maintenance and sentiment analysis.

Deep Learning: ideal for voice recognition, autonomous driving, machine translation and many other advanced applications.

In conclusion, both Machine Learning and Deep Learning are powerful tools in Artificial Intelligence, used in different contexts based on the problem’s characteristics. Machine Learning provides efficient solutions for less complex problems, while Deep Learning allows tackling tasks requiring deep understanding and complex data modeling. The choice between these approaches depends on the specific needs of the situation, available resources and accessible data. 

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