digital product design

2 min

Digital product design combines psychology and technology

Digital product design aims to create digital products that give an engaging and intuitive user experience. In fact, this discipline integrates technical, strategic and creative aspects to design a functional, usable and engaging website or mobile application.

Digital product design embraces all the activities that make up the process of creating a digital solution: from coding and marketing to copywriting and design. In this field, to create innovative products, technical skills are not enough; knowledge related to psychology is also needed.

Psychology, in fact, explains human behavior and helps create user personas used as reference targets relevant to building the optimal solution to make a website or app. Simultaneously, psychology stimulates the design of new interactions and innovative technologies by identifying insights and specific needs of the target audience. This is especially reflected in the features considered for User Experience (UX), which aims to make the user’s interaction smooth and intuitive by the interface; and User Interface (UI), which makes this interaction a unique experience through aesthetic choices.

Psychological characteristics to consider for UX and UI Design

In order to create a satisfactory user experience, it is also necessary to understand the emotional aspects of the target audience, especially with regard to content, colors and images.

Content: to make the browsing experience intuitive and pleasant, it is useful to make it easy to read the content by identifying a visual hierarchy -title, subtitle, etc. – and a navigation scheme.

Color: color influences people’s emotions, this also happens virtually. The choice of colors for an interface should be based on the psychological reactions you want to trigger, not forgetting alignment with brand identity.

Image: it only takes a few seconds to attract the user’s attention with the right image. As happens with colors, images also trigger emotional reactions and communicate a message. The choice must be made carefully and always in line with the corporate values you want to convey.

The technological aspects to be considered for the user interface

Understanding psychology must necessarily link to the ability to use technology strategically. The key technical features for a successful user interface are: usability, loading speed and responsive design.

Usability: users must easily find what they need, interactions must be intuitive and content readability must be optimal. Knowledge of user psychology plays an important role in designing these technical aspects.

Loading speed: the user experience can be greatly affected by the loading speed of a web page, file or image. Navigation must always be smooth and uncompromising.

Responsive design: usability of the user interface must be guaranteed for any type of device. From desktop to smartwatch, the user must be able to navigate on the move as well as from a fixed location without losing the pleasantness of the experience.

In summary, digital product design is a discipline that combines psychology and technology to create unique, satisfying, and engaging experiences. 

If you want to elevate your users’ browsing experience, contact us to create a truly effective touchpoint.

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