AISCRIS Omnienergy MySarma

2 min

MySarma and Omnienergy join AISCRIS

Two companies of the Omninext Group join the Confindustria project that focuses on research, innovation and development

The Italian Association of Consultancy Companies for Research, Innovation and Development, AISCRIS, a member of Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services, has welcomed two startups from the Omninext group among its members: Omnienergy, which operates in the energy sector, and MySarma, which offers welfare services.

AISCRIS represents member companies operating in the field of research, innovation and development consultancy on a national and international level. The aim of the association is to represent, qualify, communicate and protect R&D projects. The association offers assistance and representation to its member companies, in a network logic through an associative model of knowledge management.

Therefore, joining the association represents an opportunity for mutual growth and concrete development of projects.

The Omninext Group, which bases its work on research and development also collaborating with Universities and Research Centres, well knows the importance of creating synergies to have an impact on the future. For this reason, the entry of Omienergy and MySarma into AISCRIS is an important moment for the Group, because it means sharing and learning specific skills and knowledge, enriching and consolidating the scientific heritage and thus guaranteeing the continuous evolution of the individual companies and also of the technologies and innovative solutions developed.

Omninext, in fact, is the group’s holding company that has created an ecosystem of startups operating in the digital field with an important focus on R&D. 

Therefore, having included Omnienergy in AISCRIS allows the Group’s energy company to better develop its digital platform for forecasting the energy production of renewable energy plants, thus enhancing the possibilities for sustainable development.

MySarma, on the other hand, is the Group company that manages and designs customized company welfare plans for its customers, and within AISCRIS it will be able to increase its potential by better supporting entrepreneurs and employees.

“Having two group companies within ISCRIS means belonging to a working group that aims to bring different realities together and support them by giving a boost and support for concrete and sustainable growth. We are delighted to be part of it and to share the values of research, development, sustainability and innovation” 

Vincenzo Sarcina, CEO & Founder Omninext

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