research and development

2 min

Challenges of Research & Development

Today we live in a time of transforming ecosystems: environmental, economic, political and social. Everything is changing at an astonishing speed, and the challenges for those doing research are expanding to multiple sectors and diverse fields of study. 

New technologies, climate change, constantly shifting social-economic balances, and increasingly global markets necessitate cutting-edge innovation that responds to current needs and anticipates future needs.

The main points to focus on in order to effectively advance R&D are: integrating Artificial Intelligence with human consciousness and emotionality; combining technological innovation with the ecological needs of our planet; promoting cooperation between public, private and research institutions; and having a global view on the challenges to be faced and the opportunities to be seized.

Artificial intelligence and human consciousness

Big data and artificial intelligence have brought great changes to the world of research and will do so again in the coming years. The approach needed is one of openness, education, and regulation. Community laws are needed to ensure respect for privacy and ethics, as well as educational pathways for researchers to learn how to manage new technologies. Combining innovation and humanization is critical to successful advancement.

Technological innovation and ecology

Reducing environmental impact to zero is the goal that needs to be set today in any field, especially in research and innovation. The need to develop green technologies is now a global prerogative, so it is necessary to take a sustainable approach starting with R&D.

Combining technological innovation with the ecological needs of our planet is not only a necessity, but also an opportunity to live the present optimally and preserve the future.


The most effective way to ensure research development is to increase cooperation between public, private, and multidisciplinary research centers.

Collaboration makes it possible to combine different skills and knowledge, as well as to share research infrastructure and costs. It also serves to make virtual resources more available and accessible, thus making technology and knowledge sharing more accessible.

Global vision

Global challenges require global solutions, so it is necessary to have a broad vision and international cooperation.

Climate change, infectious diseases, ocean studies, and Earth observations are some of the major factors that make it clear that current challenges are not limited to one region or nation but are global. Therefore, it becomes imperative to promote cultural exchanges, resources, expertise and infrastructure in R&D to more effectively address global challenges.

Omninext Research & Development  

Omninext is the Holding Company of the group that has created an ecosystem of companies operating in the digital field with a major focus on Research & Development.

A group of highly specialized companies that collaborate together with Universities and Research Centers creating synergies with their multidisciplinary teams to impact the future. Sharing skills and knowledge, in fact, makes it possible to enrich and consolidate human and scientific assets ensuring continuous evolution. 

In our projects we create new assets to meet today’s challenges and develop solutions aimed at constant improvement.

“Research and development are our foundations, sustainability and growth our goals”Vincenzo Sarcina, CEO & Founder Omninext

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