Corporate culture as a driver of growth
Corporate culture is crucial to the success of a company because it influences the behavior of employees and the working environment and thus has a huge impact on productivity.
What is corporate culture and what are the benefits?
Mission, Vision and values are the key elements of corporate culture.
Values guide the approach and behavior of employees, from the CEO to the junior profile. The vision offers the future aspiration to be achieved and the mission makes the goals more concrete by giving impulse to daily activities.
A strong corporate culture, therefore, creates an identity of purpose between governance and all employees who will feel more involved in the company they work for. This leads to greater efficiency because the right motivation positively affects productivity.
If the corporate culture is strong and well embedded, it becomes a real determinant for a company, which is also helpful in overcoming any major changes. Group cohesion and trust in the company will remain intact even if job positions or roles within teams are changed. Just as strong will be the proactivity and resilience of employees in possible difficult times that require greater commitment, because the common idea of values, mission and vision in which they truly believe is well structured.
The corporate culture also makes it possible to attract and retain talent that embraces the company’s principles. A further guarantee of success for corporate objectives and an excellent basis on which to build a solid Employer Branding strategy.
The corporate culture of Omninext
Enhance Together is the payoff that best expresses the principles that guide Omninext. To improve together to build a better future, this is the goal of our company, both with our clients and with the talents that make it up.
Our mission is to be a constantly evolving ecosystem and promoter of innovation. We are a group of companies highly specialized in the digitalisation of businesses, operating in a variety of sectors and carrying out multidisciplinary research and projects.
Pioneering innovation for a sustainable future is our vision. Guided by a passion for digital innovation, we are like a team of astronauts traveling through space in constant search of new knowledge and unexplored frontiers. We want to develop new digital solutions and ensure a sustainable future.
Omninext’s corporate culture can be summed up by quoting our CEO:
“Research and development are our foundations, sustainability and growth our goals” Vincenzo Sarcina, CEO & Founder Omninext