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Omnienergy and MySarma join Le Village by CA

Omninext is pleased to announce that two of its companies have joined Le Village by Crédit Agricole. The startup accelerator for economic growth and innovation has welcomed Omnienergy and MySarma.

Omnienergy is the Omninext company that provides a digital platform for forecasting the energy production of renewable energy plants. It has joined Le Village in the Energy, Environment and Mobility category with the characteristic of responding to three of the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations: goal number 9 for promoting innovation with scientific research and facilitating the development of sustainable infrastructure with green technologies, goal number 13 for taking useful actions to fight climate change, and goal number 17 for strengthening the implementation of sustainable development.

MySarma, however, is the Omninext Group company that supports entrepreneurs in the management of company welfare plans. It was admitted to Le Village as a startup in the Fintech & Insurtech category and reflects three sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations: as a company that ensures health and wellbeing it responds to goal number 3, for the promotion of respectable work for everyone and the focus on inclusive and sustainable economic growth it reflects goal number 8, and finally as a useful partner in achieving sustainable development it responds to goal number 17.

“Joining Le Village by Crédit Agricole with two Omninext companies represents an important opportunity for our group. Being part of a dynamic and international context whose objective is to accelerate the innovation of companies is the most desirable for young businesses like ours that want to achieve concrete and successful results according to a model of sustainable growth and cooperation with other similar realities” Vincenzo Sarcina, CEO & Founder Omninext

Le Village by CA: what it is about and why to be part of it

Le Village represents the Crédit Agricole Group’s commitment to supporting economic innovation and the growth of startups, thanks to the synergy and connection between new realities, major Italian and international corporations, and entities such as universities, research institutes and funds.

For a startup, access to Le Village means receiving support through a customized support programme that aims to help the company achieve significant growth in a short period of time. In addition, there is support at all stages of fundraising, as well as mentoring, organization of events, workshops, visibility on media channels and the possibility of accessing an ecosystem of thousands of enterprises that enables cooperation and business matching between large and small companies.

MySarma and Welfare

MySarma is the Omninext Group startup founded in 2017 that deals with the management and design of corporate welfare plans for its clients by managing flexible plans and customized fringe benefits through an user friendly, secure and customizable responsive web platform. Read more: 

Omnienergy and energy forecasting

Omnienergy is the Omninext Group startup founded in 2019 that aims to provide a digital platform for forecasting the energy production of renewable energy plants. The developed system, named ‘Orchestra Conductor’, is a machine learning model that uses multiple underlying models and dynamically decides the weight of their contributions in the overall energy analysis, thus enabling optimized performance. Read more:

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