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  • Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning
What’s the Difference?


    Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning What’s the Difference?

    Learn the differences between Machine Learning and Deep Learning and their main applications.

  • Tailored digital solutions empower modern enterprises


    Tailored digital solutions empower modern enterprises

    Investing in customized and continuously optimized software development is critical to innovating and maintaining a competitive edge.

  • The Importance of UX/UI Design 
for the success of digital products


    The Importance of UX/UI Design for the success of digital products

    Effective UX/UI design is critical to improving user experience and ensuring the success of digital products

  • Fintech innovation with Artificial Intelligence


    Fintech innovation with Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence in Fintech: service personalization, process automation, data management, risk and investment assessment.

  • How to choose a business Partner?


    How to choose a business Partner?

    What characteristics to consider when choosing Corporate Partners?

  • The role of developers in customer experience


    The role of developers in customer experience

    Discover the role of developers in customer experience.

  • Predictive maintenance with artificial intelligence


    Predictive maintenance with artificial intelligence

    Plant maintenance is even more effective thanks to artificial intelligence.

  • Open Source: opportunity or threat?


    Open Source: opportunity or threat?

    Discover opportunities and threats of Open Source Software.

  • Simplifying to grow


    Simplifying to grow

    Simplicity as a new growth driver.

  • Machine Learning in everyday life


    Machine Learning in everyday life

    Machine Learning is used in search engines, personalized advertising, digital security and more.

  • Fintech Trends for 2024


    Fintech Trends for 2024

    Major trends that will reshape Fintech in 2024.

  • Considerations for 2023 and aspirations for 2024


    Considerations for 2023 and aspirations for 2024

    Omninext: positive closing of 2023 and ambitious perspectives for 2024.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity


    Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity

    Protecting corporate data with Artificial Intelligence.

  • Fintech for SMEs


    Fintech for SMEs

    Learn how fintech is revolutionizing SME development by simplifying access to credit and digital technology.

  • Digital product design combines psychology and technology


    Digital product design combines psychology and technology

    The union of psychology and technology in digital product design makes it possible to create unique and engaging user experiences.

  • Effective consulting in the digital age


    Effective consulting in the digital age

    In the ever-changing digital age, strategic consulting is critical to business success.

  • The role of creativity in Software Development


    The role of creativity in Software Development

    Learn how creativity drives innovation in software development.

  • Challenges of Research & Development


    Challenges of Research & Development

    Addressing R&D challenges by combining Artificial Intelligence and human consciousness, promoting ecological innovation, supporting cooperation, and maintaining a global vision.

  • The revolutionary power of Machine Learning


    The revolutionary power of Machine Learning

    Machine Learning is revolutionizing our time, offering opportunities for growth and change, but it also requires ethical and responsible data management.

  • Preserving environmental resources with technology


    Preserving environmental resources with technology

    Technology can be used in the service of the environment to preserve resources and create a sustainable future.

  • Winning over competitors through corporate welfare


    Winning over competitors through corporate welfare

    A well structured corporate welfare plan is the strategic lever to attract talent, increase employee satisfaction and outperform competitors.

  • Financial Education and Fintech


    Financial Education and Fintech

    The combination of technology and education is fundamental for the economic wellbeing of the individual and as a growth driver for the fintech sector.

  • Addressing environmental vulnerabilities with Artificial Intelligence


    Addressing environmental vulnerabilities with Artificial Intelligence

    Addressing environmental vulnerabilities with Artificial Intelligence is only possible with accurate data.

  • Technology supporting sustainability


    Technology supporting sustainability

    Combining sustainability and technology means ensuring sustainable development.

  • Vulnerability: a Matter of Perspective(s)


    Vulnerability: a Matter of Perspective(s)

    International seminar on Private International Law and the environmental, social and technological vulnerabilities of our society.

  • Building the platforms of the future


    Building the platforms of the future

    Developing new digital solutions means creating high-performance, effective, secure and easy-to-use platforms.

  • Omninext Kick Off 2023


    Omninext Kick Off 2023

    The Kick Off Omninext 2023 event was a key moment for the company’s culture and strategy, as well as an opportunity to bring together the leadership and all the employees of the four company offices: Bari, Rome, Milan and Podgorica.

  • Corporate culture as a driver of growth


    Corporate culture as a driver of growth

    Corporate culture is crucial to the success of a company because it influences the behavior of employees and the working environment and thus has a huge impact on productivity.

  • What is done in Research & Development?


    What is done in Research & Development?

    The growth of an economy and a society can only happen with the progress that R&D can provide. But what is actually done in R&D?

  • Welfare and productivity


    Welfare and productivity

    Developing an effective corporate welfare plan means increasing the quality of life of employees and the success of the company.

  • MySarma and Omnienergy join AISCRIS


    MySarma and Omnienergy join AISCRIS

    MySarma and Omnienergy join AISCRIS, the Confindustria project that focuses on research, innovation and development.

  • Web Design: how to choose color palette and body copy


    Web Design: how to choose color palette and body copy

    Every visual aspect of a website creates the user experience and defines the brand identity, so choosing color palette and body copy is critical to achieving desired goals.

  • Machine Learning Approach: Data-Centric vs Model-Centric


    Machine Learning Approach: Data-Centric vs Model-Centric

    Model-centric and data-centric Machine Learning are two different approaches that can be used in Artificial Intelligence. Which one to choose?

  • The role of customization in Fintech


    The role of customization in Fintech

    Service or product customization in fintech is fundamental to meet today’s needs.

  • Behind the scenes with software developers


    Behind the scenes with software developers

    At the heart of a website or app is the work of software developers. Let’s learn more about them together.

  • What does it mean to be a future-oriented company?


    What does it mean to be a future-oriented company?

    Digital, sustainable, collaborative, attractive: this is what a future-oriented company that looks to the present imagining the world of tomorrow looks like.

  • Physical to digital: how to maximize the user experience


    Physical to digital: how to maximize the user experience

    Creating an omnichannel customer experience, online and offline, maximizes the customer experience and best achieves business objectives.

  • Future with AI and renewables


    Future with AI and renewables

    Machine Learning predictive models applied to the energy sector optimize the production of energy from renewable sources, improve the distribution of consumption and guarantee a circular economy.

  • Business innovation: what and when to change


    Business innovation: what and when to change

    To innovate means to make new, this involves change and transformation into something that does not yet exist. For companies, it means developing a new look that may concern a product, a process, marketing, internal organization or the entire business in all its elements.

  • Machine Learning and environmental risk prediction


    Machine Learning and environmental risk prediction

    Machine Learning can be a great ally in the prediction of environmental risk and the protection of the environment and people.

  • Digital Wallet: what it is and why to use it


    Digital Wallet: what it is and why to use it

    The Digital Wallet is an electronic payment system that allows economic transactions without using cash or a physical credit card.

  • Omnienergy and MySarma join Le Village by CA


    Omnienergy and MySarma join Le Village by CA

    Important collaboration between Omninext Group and Crédit Agricole

  • Cooperation between Italy and Serbia at Forum in Belgrade


    Cooperation between Italy and Serbia at Forum in Belgrade

    The Omninext group attended the Forum of Economic and Scientific Cooperation in Belgrade, the largest meeting between Serbian and Italian entrepreneurs in the last ten years.

  • Omninext new brand identity


    Omninext new brand identity

    Omninext chose to renew its brand image by redefining the logo and creating a new website.

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